Thursday 20 June 2013

S to the O to the K to the L to the A to the N lagik

1) What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called? -wa, kakak, azwa, wawa, nur

2) What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep? Toss and Turn? Try to get up and do something productive? - dengar deHR gegar (gud job)

3) What is the strangest thing you believed as a child? -aku takut traktor, klu nmpak dya cicicicit aku msuk dlm umah wpun ms tu tgh terbongok bongkok sapu smpah kt luar, pastu sempat g hendap kt tingkap panjat kerusi (#tkde kena mengena ngn soklan,nk kena jawab soalan balik ke? tukar je la strangest kpd fear, weeeee)

4) Are you high maintenance? Explain. -haha lawak soklan nie, yup aku memey high mantenenc tp satu apa pn haprak..., tkde la smpai sume haprak, lg2 tang gigi, aku ase ralat klu bnde melekat kt gg aku, lebih2 lg pas minum nescape, mcm ade bnda tergantung je kt gg aku...klu tk bersugi *(muka suci) pn at least must have candy...

5) What’s a strange occurrence you’ve experienced but have never (or rarely) shared with anyone? - pengalamn jd promoter hmpir promote utk jd s/visor, (tu pn sbb aku smbung degree, otherwise dh lama kot aku jd CEO pasaraya tu...muahaha)

6) What’s something that amazes you? ntah, aku teruja tgk blog owang hihi

7) What position do you sleep in? - sume kecuali terlengkup kuikui

8) In what area of your life are you immature? make decision kuikui

9) What was the best news you ever received? - ble adik ade boifren, ooo yeah....

10) How difficult is it for you to be honest, even when your words may be hurtful or unpopular? cakap je la...we r not perfect, make it perfect by practises (hypothesis is accepted)

11) When do you find yourself singing? masa nyanyi lagu masa morning assembly.....(tudia, agak la nk mohong, ade ke ms phimpunn je nyanyi, bilik air dan dapur kn ade? )

Dijawab oleh,
A to the Z to the W to the A

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